mercoledì 6 novembre 2013



The following list explains the main points of the timeline for my SOCIS project:

  1. adapt odeset and odeget from Octave odepkg to be completely MATLAB-compatible: all option names supported by MATLAB should be available; furthermore we want the possibility to add new option names that will be useful for example for symplectic integrators;
  2. implement a new code structure for one-step integrators ode12, ode23, ode45, odefwe (forward Euler), odebwe (backward Euler) and inexact solvers, subdividing the execution into 'blocks' in order to be able to do an easier optimization and an easier extension to new functionalities; in particular implement the steppers which will be the functions called to do one integration step and then implement the integrate functions which will integrate, in different ways, over the whole time interval, calling the respective steppers. Afterwards adapt the interface of ode45 to be completely MATLAB-compatible;
  3. implement MATLAB-compatible version of deval;
  4. implement the following geometric integrators as new steppers:
    • symplectic Euler;
    • Stormer-Verlet;
    • velocity-Verlet;
    • spectral variational integrators;
    • SHAKE;
    • RATTLE.
  5. optimization, error checking and documentation of all the code written.

At the moment point 1 is completed; in point 2 I still have to adapt the interface of ode45 and to refine the implemented code. Point 3 has to be done. In point 4 I have implemented sympelctic Euler, Stormer-Verlet and spectral variational integrators but these need to be adapted to the code structure 'steppers', 'integrate functions'; the other integrators must be implemented. Finally, during the implementation I will start to write a bit of documentation and at the end I will do optimizations and debugging.

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