domenica 15 dicembre 2013

RATTLE algorithm


Constrained mechanical systems form an important class of differential equations on manifolds. For all the theory that I present here and I've used for the implementation I refer to "Geometric Numerical Integration" by Hairer, Lubich and Wanner.

Consider a mechanical system described by position coordinates \(q_1,\dots q_d\) and suppose that the motion is constrained to satisfy \(g(\mathbf q) = \mathbf 0\) where \(g:\mathbb R^d \rightarrow \mathbb R^m \), with \(m \lt d \). So that, the equations of motion governing the system become: $$ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \dot{\mathbf q} = \frac{\partial H}{\partial \mathbf p} \\ \dot{\mathbf p} = -\frac{\partial H}{\partial \mathbf q} - G(q)^T\lambda \\ g(\mathbf q) = \mathbf 0 \end{array}\right. $$ where \(G(\mathbf q) = \dfrac{\partial g(\mathbf q)}{\partial \mathbf q} \).

Symplectic Euler method can be extended to constrained systems but we focus on SHAKE and RATTLE algorithms. SHAKE is a 2-steps algorithm so that, since I'm implementing only 1-step algorithms and the overall structure of solvers and integrators is made for 1-step solvers, I implemented just RATTLE algorithm.


The RATTLE algorithm implemented works with any general Hamiltonian \(H(\mathbf q,\mathbf p \) and is defined as follows: $$ \left\{\begin{array}{l} \mathbf p_{n+\frac{1}{2}} = \mathbf p_n -\frac{h}{2}\big(H_{\mathbf q}(\mathbf q_n,\mathbf p_{n+\frac{1}{2}}) + G(\mathbf q_n)^T \mathbf {\lambda}_n \big) \\ \mathbf q_{n+1} = \mathbf q_n +\frac{h}{2} \big( H_{\mathbf p}(\mathbf q_n,\mathbf p_{n+\frac{1}{2}}) + H_{\mathbf p}(\mathbf q_{n+1},\mathbf p_{n+\frac{1}{2}}) \big) \\ g(\mathbf q_{n+1}) = \mathbf 0 \\ \mathbf p_{n+1} = \mathbf p_{n+\frac{1}{2}} -\frac{h}{2}\big(H_{\mathbf q}(\mathbf q_{n+1},\mathbf p_{n+\frac{1}{2}}) + G(\mathbf q_{n+1})^T \mathbf{\mu}_n \big) \\ G(\mathbf q_{n+1}) H_{\mathbf p}(\mathbf q_{n+1},\mathbf p_{n+1}) = \mathbf 0 \end{array}\right. $$ where \( h=\Delta t=t_{k+1}-t_k\) and \(\mathbf{\mu}_n \),\( \mathbf{\mu}_n \) are Lagrangian multipliers nedded to impose the constraints.

It can be demonstrated that this numerical method is symmetric, symplectic and convergent of order 2.

The following code represent it's implementation:

function [t_next,x_next,err]=rattle(f,t,x,dt,options)
  H = odeget(options,'HamiltonianHessFcn',[],'fast');
  GG = odeget(options,'ConstraintHessFcn',[],'fast');
  if( ~isempty(H) && ~isempty(GG) )
    fsolve_opts = optimset('Jacobian','on');
    fsolve_opts = optimset('Jacobian','off');
  g = odeget(options,'ConstraintFcn',[],'fast');
  G = odeget(options,'ConstraintGradFcn',[],'fast');
  c_nb = odeget(options,'ConstraintsNb',[],'fast');

  dim = length(x)/2;
  q0 = x(1:dim);
  p0 = x(dim+1:end);

  RATTLE = @(y)constr_sys(y,dim,c_nb,f,H,g,G,GG,t,q0,p0,dt);
  y0 = [q0;p0;p0;zeros(2*c_nb,1)];
  y0 = fsolve(RATTLE,y0,fsolve_opts);
  t_next = t+dt;
  x_next = [y0(1:dim);y0(2*dim+1:3*dim)];

    dt = dt/2;
    RATTLE = @(y)constr_sys(y,dim,c_nb,f,H,g,G,GG,t,q0,p0,dt);
    y0 = [q0;p0;p0;zeros(2*c_nb,1)];
    y0 = fsolve(RATTLE,y0,fsolve_opts);

    q0 = y0(1:dim);
    p0 = y0(2*dim+1:3*dim);
    t = t+dt;

    RATTLE = @(y)constr_sys(y,dim,c_nb,f,H,g,G,GG,t,q0,p0,dt);
    y0 = [q0;p0;p0;zeros(2*c_nb,1)];
    y0 = fsolve(RATTLE,y0,fsolve_opts);

    x_est = [y0(1:dim);y0(2*dim+1:3*dim)];
    err = norm(x_est-x_next,2);

function [F,J] = constr_sys(y,dim,c_nb,f,H,g,G,GG,t,q0,p0,dt)
  F = zeros(3*dim+2*c_nb,1);
  F(1:dim) = y(1:dim) - q0 - (dt/2).*(f(t,[q0; ...
        y(dim+1:2*dim)])(1:dim) + f(t+dt,y(1:2*dim))(1:dim));
  F(dim+1:2*dim) = y(dim+1:2*dim) - p0 - (dt/2).*(f(t,[q0; ...
   y(dim+1:2*dim)])(dim+1:end) - G(q0)'*y(3*dim+1:3*dim+c_nb));
  F(2*dim+1:3*dim) = y(2*dim+1:3*dim) - y(dim+1:2*dim) - ...
             (dt/2)*(f(t+dt,y(1:2*dim))(dim+1:end) - ...
  F(3*dim+1:3*dim+c_nb) = g(y(1:dim));
  F(3*dim+c_nb+1:end) = G(y(1:dim))*(f(t+dt,[y(1:dim); ...

  if( nargout==2 )
    J = zeros(3*dim+2*c_nb,3*dim+2*c_nb);
    J(1:dim,1:dim) = eye(dim) - ...
    J(1:dim,dim+1:2*dim) = -(dt/2)*(H(t,[q0; ...
          y(dim+1:2*dim)])(dim+1:end,dim+1:end) + ...
    J(dim+1:2*dim,dim+1:2*dim) = eye(dim) + ...
    J(dim+1:2*dim,3*dim+1:3*dim+c_nb) = (dt/2)*G(q0)';
    J(2*dim+1:3*dim,1:dim) = (dt/2)*(H(t+dt, ...
    for k = 1:1:c_nb
      J(2*dim+1:3*dim,1:dim) = J(2*dim+1:3*dim,1:dim) - ...
    J(2*dim+1:3*dim,dim+1:2*dim) = -eye(dim) + ...
    J(2*dim+1:3*dim,2*dim+1:3*dim) = eye(dim) + ...
    J(2*dim+1:3*dim,3*dim+c_nb+1:end) = (dt/2)*G(y(1:dim))';
    J(3*dim+1:3*dim+c_nb,1:dim) = G(y(1:dim));
    J(3*dim+c_nb+1:end,1:dim) = G(y(1:dim))* ...
    for k = 1:1:c_nb
      J(3*dim+c_nb+k,1:dim) = J(3*dim+c_nb+k,1:dim) + ...
          ((GG(y(1:dim))(:,:,k))*(f(t+dt,[y(1:dim); ...
    J(3*dim+c_nb+1:end,2*dim+1:3*dim) = G(y(1:dim))* ...
        (H(t+dt,[y(1:dim);y(2*dim+1:3*dim)]) ...
It works with any number of constraint, unless this is equal or greater to system dimension. As usual, all the source code is available at my public repository octave-odepkg.

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