Backward Euler
The backward Euler method is one of the most common methods used to solve ODEs. It is an implicit method of order one but its strenght lies in its A-stability property.
Given a system of ODEs of the form: $$\frac{d\mathbf{y}}{dt} = \mathbf{f}(t,\mathbf{y}) \\ \mathbf{y}(t_0) = \mathbf{y}_0\ ,$$ the backward Euler method is written as: $$ \mathbf{y}_{k+1} = \mathbf{y}_k + \Delta t\ \mathbf{f}(t_{k+1},\mathbf{y}_{k+1})\ .$$
If we define u to be the exact solution then we have that: $$ \frac{d\mathbf{u}}{dt} = \mathbf{f}(t,\mathbf{u}) \\ \mathbf{u}(t_k) = \mathbf{y}_k $$ So that $$\mathbf u(t_{k+1}) = \mathbf u(t_k) + \int_{t_k}^{t_{k+1}} \mathbf{f}(t,\mathbf u) dt\ ,$$ which, under some conditions of regularity, can be rewritten as $$\mathbf u(t_{k+1}) = \Delta t\ \mathbf f(t_{k+1},\mathbf u(t_{k+1})) - \frac{{\Delta t}^2}{2} \mathbf f'(\xi)\ .$$
From these results it can be derived that the local truncation error (LTE) is $$ \mathbf e_{k+1} = \mathbf y_{k+1} - \mathbf u(t_{k+1}) = \mathbf o({\Delta t}^2)\ .$$
Inexact Newton
Now we have to solve the non-linear system built up with the backward Euler method. We want to use an inexact Newton solver. The classical Newton method is written as: given a non-linear functions system F(x) = 0 with a given initial condition, solve the linearized system: $$ \mathbf F'(\mathbf x_k)\mathbf s_k + \mathbf F(\mathbf x_k) = \mathbf 0 \\ \mathbf x_{k+1} = \mathbf x_k + \mathbf s_k\ .$$ Go on iterating this method until a given tolerance is reached.
In many cases, especially when we don't have an explicit expression for the Jacobian or it can't be inverted, we can use an inexact Newton method: $$ || \mathbf F'(\mathbf x_k)\mathbf s_k + \mathbf F(\mathbf x_k) || \leq \eta_k || \mathbf F(\mathbf x_k)||\ ,$$ where \(\eta_k\) is said to be the forcing term. The linearized system can be solved with an iterative method such as GMRES or preconditioned conjugate gradient.
There are two possible choices for the forcing term:
- first choice $$ \eta_k = \frac{|| \mathbf F(\mathbf x_k)-\mathbf F(\mathbf x_{k-1}) -\mathbf F'(\mathbf x_{k-1})\mathbf s_{k-1} ||}{||\mathbf F(\mathbf x_{k-1}) ||}\ ;$$
- second choice $$ \eta_k = \gamma \Big(\frac{|| \mathbf F(\mathbf x_k) ||}{|| \mathbf F(\mathbf x_{k-1}) ||}\Big)^{\alpha}\ .$$
Choosing the forcing term with one of the two previous possibilities, rather than imposing a fixed tolerance, it is possible to avoid the phenomenon of oversolving. Another advantage is that if we use the GMRES as the linear solver it's not necessary to know the Jacobian nor to datermine it, because we can approximate the term $$ \mathbf F'(\mathbf x_{k})\mathbf s_k $$ with a first order finite differences formulae: $$ \mathbf F'(\mathbf x_k)\mathbf s_k \approx \frac{\mathbf F(\mathbf x_k + \delta\mathbf s_k) - \mathbf F(\mathbf x_k)}{\delta} \ .$$
The signature of inexact_newton is the same of fsolve:
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